
As your educational consultant, I will help you select and apply to college, graduate or professional school, or develop your career plans.

For high school students:

I will meet regularly in person, via video conferencing, or by telephone with you and your family to discuss college planning, testing, and application issues.

I will also provide resources, guidance, and information about:

    • College “fit” and criteria for evaluating schools

    • Financial aid, the financial aid process, scholarships, and merit money

    • Standardized test planning and preparation

I will also provide:

    • Guidance and coaching about presenting your best self to colleges through your applications, campus visits, and/or interviews

    • Assistance in developing college and scholarship application essays Note: Please be advised that I will not write essays.

    • Reviews and suggested edits of applications, essays, list of extracurricular activities, and resume

    • Additional availability via telephone or email for assistance as needed

And, as requested:

    • Guidance in planning for high school classes, extracurricular activities, community service, and summer experiences

    • Assessment and guidance in career planning

    • Coaching in self-advocacy skills that will allow you to access appropriate support services in college

For college students and beyond:

I will be available in person, via video conferencing, or by telephone or email for assistance, and I will provide, as needed:

    • Guidance in planning for college courses, extracurricular activities, community service, summer experiences, jobs, and internships

    • Assessment and guidance in career planning

    • Information, resources, and guidance about:

      • Graduate program or professional school “fit” and criteria for evaluating schools

      • Graduate fellowships and assistantships, financial aid and the financial aid process

      • Standardized test planning and preparation

    • Guidance and coaching about presenting your best self through your applications, campus visits, and/or interviews

    • Assistance in developing application materials Note: Please be advised that I will not write essays.

    • Reviews and suggested edits of applications, essays, portfolio, and resume

    • Guidance, as requested, in accessing appropriate support services in graduate or professional school

Ready to take the next step? Schedule a free consultation to learn how I can help you create an individualized plan for your next steps. I offer both a variety of packages and hourly rate options.